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[Atari 800 XL] [Commodore 64] [Commodore 128] [HP 48G+] [Magnavox Odyssey 2]


I need to get some pictures one of these days. I managed to get my hands on a Macintosh Plus, G3 Clamshell laptop and a G4 Pro. I really didn't involved with Apple until OS X was released. They are nice machines, but I don't fire them up much.


I was curious about the Atari 800 XL after reading reviews and learning it used the 6502. I managed to get my hands on one. The only issue it had was the RAM. I got an AtariNet Cartridge and a Fuji-Net. Next step is Atari BASIC.

I'm trying to get a grasp of Atari BASIC and finding Altirra64 to be a convenient way to play with it. I've definitely a lot more to learn than I expected. I'll try to post any progress in Atari.

BAS files are tokenized. LST files are listings.


I managed to kill a C64 breadbin when I was a kid. I replaced it with the 64C and transplanted the guts back to the breadbin. I was interested in programming and this was my first computer. Both machines got a lot of wear and tear. Unfortunately I disposed of everything before a previous move.


I managed to find a working C64 on E-bay. Not quite pristine. The ROM had been replaced with JiffyDOS. No original ROM was included. I have a Ultimate II+, and SD2IEC. I managed to land a 1571 Drive and a Comodore Datasette.


I found the C128 before I got the C64 on E-Bay. I never did get around to testing 80 column mode but I had purchased it specifically for the C64 mode.


I did a rewrite of my MagicSquare program for the C64. The D64 disk image is available:


I'm pretty sure I was in high school when I got the HP 48G. I didn't do anything to complicated on it. It did give me a bit of experience playing with stacks and taught me Reverse Polish Notation which is still my preference. Unfortunately It ended up with battery damage. I did mange to find and HP 48G+ though.


It took a while to find a working Odyssey 2. I managed to consolodate three or four machines into two working machines. One has an A/V mod for composite the other is still RF out.


Tandy 1000 HX

One of my earlier machines was a Tandy 1000 HX. The monitor was dying and I left it when I moved to an apartment. It was noteworthy for introducing me to DOS programming and I mostly taught myself C on it. Many of the DOS programs I wrote were done on that machine. I thought about replacing it; however, emulation is mostly good enough. I don't miss swapping disks while developing that much.

TRS-80 Model I, III & IV

Going through high school I got to play around with a TRS Model I that my aunt had gotten for my cousin and a Model III and Model IV in class. If I had more room I'd consider getting a Model III or Model IV.


I don't have any major projects that I did on the TRS-80s; however, Biorhythhm and RoadRace were both ports of programs for the Model I. The ports should run under DOSBox.


Saturday, 13 April 2024   Michael J. Chappell   Contact me at: Made with Emacs