Dungeons & Dragons Online

I'm still relatively new at Dungeons & Dragons Online.

I've been playing around with computers for a bit. When the servers went down for Minions of Mirth, I wanted to find another game that didn't require a subscription. DDO was mentioned a few times in chat. I grew up playing Rogue, Net Hack, The Bard's Tale and a few other dungeon crawlers. All of which feature races, classes and rules that are at least loosely based on Dungeons & Dragons. So, I figured, I'd give Dungeons & Dragons Online a try.

I'm not experienced enough to post much about the game but I'm trying to keep track of my characters.

While I mostly play free, I invested in a few things. If you want to invest in a class, Druid, is actually pretty easy to level up and get used to the spell system.

Search DDOWiki

DDO Screen Tips

Tips display when loading a region. Many are useful. Most disappear before I can finish reading them.

I found a list at "https://ddowiki.com/page/Loading_screen_tips".

Chat Commands

Toggles looking for group indicator.
Indicates your location.
Logs you out of the server.
Indicates where your soul is bound.
Toggles view of googles on or off.
Toggles view of helmet on or off.
Returns you to your bind point or quest entrance.
Exits the client.


NameSexRaceAlignment WorldLevel Primary ClassLevel Secondary ClassLevel Tertiary ClassLevel
Atroposfae CullFemaleElfChaotic Good Argonnessen6 Ranger4 Rogue2
BarbFemaleDwarfChaotic Good Cannith6 Barbarian6
Kuttpurs CullFemaleHalflingTrue Neutral Thelanis7 Rogue7
Deadrafae CullFemaleHalfling True Neutral Orien12 Fighter8 Rogue4
Fulis CullMaleHumanNeutral Good Cannith9 Rogue9
Mechmike CullMaleHumanNeutral Good Orien9 Artificer9
Megaerafae CullFemaleHalfling True Neutral Orien4 Wizard4
Mimyk CullMaleHumanLawful Good Argonnessen7 Paladin6 Rogue1
Nuntis CullMaleDwarfLawful Neutral Khyber10 Druid10
Reapan CullMaleHumanLawful Good Cannith8 Monk8
Thrope CullMaleHumanLawful Neutral Cannith10 Druid8 Rogue2

Sunday, 9 March 2025   Michael J. Chappell   Contact me at: mcsuper5@freeshell.org Made with Emacs